Urgent Care

After Hours Service / Emergencies

Contact us 24 hours a day: (270) 685-1111

All calls from our clients are handled by our answering service. They will ask you questions about your emergency and have the doctor call you back. In the event that the doctor is already seeing another emergency, please allow them 20 minutes before calling back.

Emergency Fees & Payment

Additional fees do apply for services rendered after normal business hours.

The doctor on call can give you only a partial estimate of services on the phone. It is impossible to provide a complete estimate of charges prior to examination.

Payment for after-hours service is expected at the time of service; we do not bill for after-hours services.

How do the emergency services work?

Although our office doors are open for retail sales, patient drops off, and pick up from 7:30 am – 5:00 pm; an automated attendant will answer the phones until 8 am, during the 12:30–1:30 lunch hour, and after 5 pm. This allows the staff time to provide the necessary care to hospitalized and boarding patients, perform pre-anesthetic lab work, check in/out surgical patients, and perform various administrative tasks.

Often, we will have multiple clients present with emergencies simultaneously. At times like this, it may take the doctor longer to get back to you. If the doctor has not contacted you within 20 minutes, please call back because you may have forgotten to leave your telephone number. When several emergency calls come in at once, they will be handled in order of their priority. Emergency priority is obviously based on the severity of the medical problem, but also on the veterinary-client-patient relationship. As with most veterinary hospitals, established clients are given higher priority. We are a client-based service business and taking care of our clients is our priority.

What doctors provide emergency services?

Emergency services are provided by the doctors of both Towne Square and Audubon Animal Hospitals on a rotating schedule. For that reason, the doctor on call may require you to meet him/her at the location where he/she primarily practices, which may be different from the location that you would visit during normal office hours. Although the doctor on call may not be your pet’s primary caretaker, he or she will always have access to your pet’s medical records at both locations.

We provide after-hours services Monday- Thursday, 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, some patients will not only need to be seen for a crisis but will need constant overnight monitoring. As of today, neither we nor any animal hospitals in the Owensboro/Daviess County area have the ability to provide 24-hour monitoring care. In the event your pet is in critical condition and needs such care, we are able to refer them to hospitals that can provide it. Evansville, Indiana, and Louisville, Kentucky, are the closest locations that can provide those services. We will make sure the veterinarians at those locations are up to date and have your pet’s current medical records needed to continue care prior to your arrival.